Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles
I have trained psychiatrists, psychologists, and nurses from around the world in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Substance Use Disorder therapies. My extensive experience and training in addiction therapy has helped hundreds in every stage of substance abuse, from those questioning their consumption to others first few days of sobriety, and those with long-term sobriety. I am knowledgeable on 12-step programs; though also support clients wanting to create their own recovery.
Los Angeles Addiction Treatment Specialist, Steven Reigns:
My specialization in relationships and addition has made me a sought-after therapist for loved ones in a relationship with someone in recovery.
I deeply believe in the life changing process of therapy done well. Let me help you make the changes you are interested in.
If you are interested in experiencing less pain and improving your life, I encourage you to call Therapy For Adults to set up a consultation. During that call, we will discuss what is not working for you in your life and discover if I am the right fit for you as a therapist.
I am a licensed therapist and clinical director of Therapy for Adults, an intimate practice located in the heart of West L.A. As a Los Angeles therapist, my approach involves a strong investment in my client's emotional health and happiness. Working together, we prioritize issues, triaging the most pressing and painful issues first. Each client’s journey is different, and one that begins the moment you walk through the door. We work at a pace that is appropriate for your needs, establishing sustainable goals and milestones throughout your healing process.