Highly Sensitive Person Treatment in Los Angeles
Do you tend to pick up on subtle cues that people around you may miss? Do you find sounds, smells, and temperature changes impact you more than others?
If so, you may be a highly sensitive person (HSP).
Navigating the world as an HSP can be difficult. This trait often leaves people feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Highly sensitive people may feel like the world is too stimulating, just all too much to deal with.
However, being a highly sensitive person is not something you need to fight. Being an HSP is part of who you are. There are many positive aspects to being a highly sensitive person, though they can be hard to recognize when you’re constantly stressed.
With the help of therapy for highly sensitive people and a HSP therapist in Los Angeles, you can learn to embrace this part of yourself.
Finding A HSP Therapist in Los Angeles
Hi, I’m Steven Reigns, and I’m a highly sensitive person therapist in Los Angeles.
I specialize in helping highly sensitive people learn how to understand themselves and consider their sensitivity a strength—not a weakness. The world isn’t always kind to highly sensitive people, but I believe that with a bit of therapy specifically for highly sensitive people, or HSPs, they can thrive.
But what exactly is a highly sensitive person?
Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is a temperamental or personality trait involving "an increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive processing of physical, social and emotional stimuli". The trait is characterized by "a tendency to 'pause to check' in novel situations, greater sensitivity to subtle stimuli, and the engagement of deeper cognitive processing strategies for employing coping actions, all of which is driven by heightened emotional reactivity, both positive and negative".
According to the psychologists who spearheaded HSP research in the 1990s, Elaine & Arthur Arons and colleagues, people with high SPS make up about 15–20% of the population. Although some researchers consistently related high SPS to negative outcomes, other researchers have associated it with increased responsiveness to both positive and negative influences. Aron and colleagues state that the high-SPS personality trait is not a disorder.
My Approach to Highly Sensitive Person Treatment
At Therapy for Adults, I help HSP learn more about themselves, accept their sensitivity, and increase their ability to cope.
I’m a firm believer that there is nothing wrong with being a highly sensitive person. In fact, it is something to celebrate--not something that needs to be fixed or changed. When you choose to work with me, I make it my mission to help you embrace your sensitivity.
Part of this work involves softening self-judgment. Together, we will explore how we can reduce your critical thoughts toward yourself and move to a place of acceptance. No need to keep working against yourself; accepting your traits can help reduce your stress and negative thinking.
With this being said, I will also help you modify behaviors that may be unintentionally making your life more difficult.
For example, many HSP struggle with “people-pleasing.”If this sounds like you, I can help you learn how to enforce healthy boundaries. Having boundaries will help you protect your energy so you end up feeling less drained.
I also help HSP learn how to manage emotions. Part of being highly sensitive includes experiencing intense feelings, which can be a gift. However, this can also be overwhelming. Therapy can give you tools to deal with your emotions so they do not completely overtake you.
My approach to therapy for highly sensitive people is results-oriented. Instead of dwelling on issues, I prioritize solutions.
If you think we may be a good fit, I encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation. We can discuss your unique situation and explore how I can support you.
Highly Sensitive People and Relationships
Intimate relationships can put a magnifying glass on both our strengths and struggles.
Being a highly sensitive person can be difficult enough as it is. However, adding relationships into the mix can make it even more challenging.
As an HSP in a relationship, you may find yourself hyper-sensitive to your partner’s behavior and emotions. While this tendency can help you feel in tune with your partner’s needs, becoming too focused on the other person can put stress on the relationship and make you feel overwhelmed.
Many HSP feel shame about their sensitivity. Shame can contribute to feelings of worthlessness or low self-esteem, which can impact the dynamic with your partner as well.
It may be difficult to talk with your partner about the unique challenges you experience as a HSP in a relationship. A therapist can help you process your feelings in a non-judgmental way and teach you ways of communicating with your partner around your struggles.
Even if you are currently single, a highly sensitive person therapist can also help you recognize your strengths as a HSP and increase your confidence. Addressing this can help you feel better equipped to navigate dating.

FAQs about Highly Sensitive Person Treatment
How do I know if I’m a highly sensitive person?
There is no formal diagnostic test to determine if you are a HSP--remember, being highly sensitive is a trait, not a mental illness.
there are common challenges that many HSP face. These many include:
Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or burnt out
Shyness or difficulty being in crowds
Intense emotions
Difficulty with change or transitions
Increased sensitivity to the environment / five senses are heightened
Feeling judged or misunderstood
If these sound like you, you may be a highly sensitive person.
Can HSP have other mental health issues?
As described above, being highly sensitive is a personality trait. HSP can experience mental health issues that co-occur with their sensitivity.
Many HSP deal with anxiety as a result of being highly sensitive. Depression is also common amongst HSP.
Of course, anxiety and depression are not the only issues that HSP can experience. If you’re curious about how therapy can benefit you, schedule a complimentary consultation. We can discuss your specific situation and determine whether we’re a good fit.
Are there any good things about being a HSP?
Absolutely. Being a HSP can be difficult, but it is also a gift.
Being highly sensitive causes people to feel deeply moved by art and nature. Relatedly, HSP are often very creative and find unique ways to express themselves.
HSP are also gifted with empathy. Increased sensitivity to the feelings of others helps HSP connect with people on a deep level.
Many HSP are also highly intelligent and conscientious. This makes them strong students,excellent employees, and attentive romantic partners.
These are only some of the strengths that HSP have.
How can I cope with being a HSP?
There is no magic cure that will make you stop being sensitive--and we wouldn’t want there to be! Your sensitivity is part of what makes you, you.
With that being said, being a HSP can be exhausting. By taking care of yourself, you can mitigate the stressful effects of being highly sensitive. Try these self-care strategies:
Limit caffeine
Use mindfulness or breathing techniques
Prioritize relaxation/decompression time
Get enough sleep
Eat at regular intervals throughout your day (and incorporate healthy foods)
Spend time in nature
These techniques can help reduce the stress associated with being highly sensitive.
Therapy for highly sensitive people is also a useful tool.
What is the Highly Sensitive Person Treatment process like?
I believe that therapy is most effective when it is tailored to each client. After all, you are your own person with unique needs and preferences.
At our first appointment, I will gather more information about your situation. From here, we will collaborate on treatment goals, how often we should meet, and other logistics.
Our subsequent sessions will involve working toward your goals. I will support you in gaining insight about yourself, discussing ways to cope, and exploring new ways of thinking and behaving.
Between sessions, it is important that you implement the things we discuss. This will help you get the most out of your treatment.
Once we approach your goals, we will discuss whether to terminate our work together or set new goals for you to work toward.
Start Highly Sensitive Person Treatment in Los Angeles, CA Today
One of the benefits of being an HSP therapist is that I have the honor of seeing the positive effects that therapy can have on highly sensitive people. If you’re ready to start highly sensitive person treatment then follow these steps:
Schedule your first appointment at Therapy for Adults
Feel more comfortable in your skin and embrace your sensitivity
Other Online Therapy Services I Offer in Los Angeles
I offer various counseling services besides highly sensitive person treatment through online therapy. I offer couples therapy, therapy for dating and relationship issues, and dating coaching to support you and your relationships. Additionally, I provide therapy as a form of anxiety treatment. Reach out to see how I can support you.