What To Know If You’re Considering An Open Relationship: Tips From a Couples Therapist in Los Angeles

One of the many things I love about Los Angeles is how diverse and open to adventure and new ideas the people are. Los Angeles - and California in general - is known for its forward-thinking and openness to new ways of thinking.

Image of a couple sitting on a couch holding hands. If you are thinking about opening your relationship, discover how a couples therapist in Los Angeles, CA can help provide your with tips on navigating new relationship styles.

Open - or polyamorous - relationships, also known as consensual non-monogamy, are not for everyone. But if you’ve been thinking about incorporating this type of relationship into your life, you’re in the right place. An open relationship is one where individuals have the freedom to pursue romantic and/or sexual relationships with multiple partners at the same time. Hence the name ‘polyamory’. 

In 2021, approximately 4%-5% of the population in the US practiced some form of polyamory

While these relationships are becoming more widely accepted and recognized, they can still be met with misunderstandings and stigma. Stigmas can cause people to behave negatively or in a discriminatory manner towards others whose relationships or choices they don’t understand or agree with.

It’s important when trying anything new to understand fully the benefits and challenges. This enables you to not only go into it with personal understanding but also to be able to provide reasoned responses if others treat you negatively. No one should have to deal with another person’s discriminatory opinions. But as long as we live in a divided society, education can be your best tool for coping with this situation.

In this blog post, I’ll take you on a journey through polyamory: what it is, the benefits and challenges, and tips for navigating this kind of relationship in a healthy and fulfilling way with the help of couples therapy.

What Is Polyamory?

Polyamory is the practice of having multiple intimate relationships. Always with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. It’s important to note that polyamory is not the same as cheating. All partners are aware of and consent to the other relationships.

The Benefits

One of the benefits of polyamorous relationships is that individuals have the freedom to pursue multiple intimate connections and fulfill their emotional, romantic, and/or sexual needs. Polyamorous or open relationships can also offer a sense of community and support, as partners are often able to build close relationships with each other.

The Challenges

Two of the biggest challenges are jealousy and insecurity. Individuals may feel threatened by their partner’s other relationships. Navigating the boundaries and expectations of multiple partners can also be complicated. As they require clear and open communication.

Image of a man and two women going to a festival. If you and your partner are considering an open relationship, learn how a couples therapist in Los Angeles can help you and your partner navigate your relationship.

How To Navigate A Polyamorous Relationship From a Los Angeles Couples Therapist in Couples Therapy

If you’re interested in pursuing a polyamorous relationship, it’s important to start with open and honest communication with your partner(s). This includes discussing your individual desires, expectations, and boundaries. As well as establishing clear and effective communication strategies for managing any conflicts that may arise.

It’s also important to prioritize self-care and individual well-being. This includes setting boundaries, engaging in self-reflection and growth, and seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed. A vital aspect of polyamorous relationships is consent. All partners should be aware of and consent to the other relationships. Any new relationships should be discussed and agreed upon by all partners.

It’s also important to be mindful of potential societal stigma or discrimination towards polyamorous relationships. This can include discrimination from friends, family, and employers. It’s important to have a support system in place to help you navigate these challenges.

Open Relationships Offer Freedom

Open relationships can offer individuals the freedom to pursue multiple intimate connections. As well as build supportive communities. However, it’s important to approach these relationships with open and honest communication. Make sure to prioritize self-care and well-being, prioritize consent, and be mindful of societal stigma and discrimination. By navigating these relationships in a healthy and fulfilling way, individuals can experience the benefits of polyamory.

If you’re considering a polyamorous relationship and aren’t sure where to start, or you need help navigating an existing polyamorous relationship, I’d love to give you the support you need. I’m a licensed couples therapist serving the Los Angeles area. My specialty is helping couples and singles navigate relationship issues. Including the inherent intricacies of a polyamorous relationship.

Schedule your first session today!

Image of a man and three women sitting on a rock wall laughing. Work with a skilled couples therapist in Los Angeles to help you and your partner navigate the world of poly relationships.

Ready to Begin Working With a Couples Therapist in Los Angeles, CA in Polyamory Therapy to Navigate Open Relationships?

Embarking on a polyamorous journey in LA? It’s an exciting path, but not without its challenges. I’m here to guide you through the complexities with understanding and support. As a licensed couples therapist in Los Angeles specializing in relationships at Therapy for Adults, I'll help you navigate the intricacies of open relationships, offering strategies for clear communication, setting boundaries, and managing potential societal challenges with couples therapy. Take the first step towards a fulfilling polyamorous relationship by scheduling a session with me in Los Angeles! Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Contact me today for a free consultation

  2. Begin meeting with me, Steven Reigns, a skilled Los Angeles Couples Therapist

  3. Start navigating the challenges of open relationships in healthy ways!

Other Counseling Services I Offer in Los Angeles

At Therapy for Adults, I offer support for anyone through online therapy. In addition to helping individuals with their relationship needs in therapy for dating and relationship issues, I offer couples therapy and marriage counseling, and dating coaching. I also help highly sensitive people process their uniqueness and appreciate their surroundings and rich internal life. All of these services are available through online therapy throughout California. For more posts like this, check out my Blog!


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