How To Survive Los Angeles As A Highly Sensitive Person

I am a fully-licensed therapist in Los Angeles. If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, you already know how challenging it can be to live in this crazy, bustling, emotional rollercoaster of a city!

The movie ‘La La Land’ gave us a gorgeous technicolor glimpse of some of the unique difficulties life in Los Angeles can bring. But if you’re an HSP, those difficulties can become overwhelming and leave you feeling paralyzed and anxious.

As a Highly Sensitive Person therapist, I’ve worked with HSPs for almost as long as I can remember. Los Angeles is a fabulous place, but if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, the right treatment involves using special tools to help you navigate this whirlwind of a city and culture.

At Therapy For Adults, my first goal is to help you regain the inner peace you’ve been struggling to find. Here are my top five tips for coping with Los Angeles as a Highly Sensitive Person:

Five Tips for Coping With Los Angeles As a Highly Sensitive Person

Tip #1 - Create a live-in sanctuary

Creating a safe and calming environment at home is vital for your mental well-being. Soothing colors, calming scents, and soft textures can all work together to create a haven for your mind. This will give you a safe place you can retreat to when living in the City of Angels leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Adding live houseplants can also help you feel grounded and peaceful. High-quality bedding helps you achieve restful sleep, which gives your body the foundation it needs to go to bat for you. And yes, I am giving you a full license to pull up your Amazon app right now!

Tip #2 - Practice Mindfulness

We’ve seen a lot of buzz around mindfulness in the last couple of years. Mindfulness is the practice of being present at the moment - sounds easy, but can be difficult in practice! Mindfulness can help you feel grounded amidst the hustle and bustle of LA life. Think about some mindfulness practices you might enjoy trying, such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Making them part of your daily routine helps you stretch out the peace and calm you feel after each session. Los Angeles is also a fab place to find mindfulness-based stress reduction classes or mindfulness groups. Sharing your mindfulness efforts with others can also help you feel connected to and supported by your community.

Tip #3 - Practice Self-Care

Self-care seems to be a buzzword these days…and for good reason! Self-care is an essential part of managing sensitivity in a fast-paced city like Los Angeles. Try to make time for activities that refresh your body and mind. Journaling, having a long soak in the bath, or going for a walk in nature can all help you feel refreshed and recharged. Consider taking a day off work to indulge in self-care activities. Try all of the above! Finding what self-care means for you can be life-changing.

Tip #4 - Set Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries is crucial for managing sensitivity in a city like Los Angeles. Life and work here can sometimes be brutal on your senses, so being aware of what your personal limits are and setting boundaries accordingly can make a huge difference. Be mindful of how much external stimuli you can handle and set limits. Cutting back on social media, reducing your exposure to loud noises or bright lights, and avoiding places or situations that trigger your sensitivity can all help too. Give yourself permission to say No to activities or events that feel overwhelming, and prioritize your well-being.

Tip #5 - Spend Some Time With Nature

Los Angeles may be a sweeping metropolis, but it also has plenty of great outdoor options available. Spending time communing with nature can be especially therapeutic for an HSP, helping you to immediately lower your stress levels and create feelings of calm. Local parks and beaches, hiking in the hills, or visiting botanical gardens are all great options to investigate.  In West Los Angeles, we have the Santa Monica beach but there are also the Sand Ynez Falls trails that have an 18-foot waterfall and are in Topanga State Park in Pacific Palisades.  There is also the Ballona Wetlands, an ecological reserve of 577 acres in Marina del Rey. Consider joining a hiking or nature group so you can find like-minded individuals to explore your beautiful surroundings with.

Tip #6 - Find Support With A Great Highly Sensitive Person Therapist

I know I’m a therapist, so I’m clearly biased! But seriously, having the support of a licensed therapist who has broad experience working with and helping Highly Sensitive Persons can be a real game-changer. Together, we will identify the tools and strategies you need to be able to find (and hold on to) your inner sense of calm.

Life in the Golden State may not always be, well, golden, but there are many ways you can take control of your situation and soothe your highly sensitive senses. I’d love to support you in exploring and implementing these powerful tools. We will work together to find what works for you and help you step out your front door with confidence, knowing you can survive whatever Los Angeles has in store for you today!

Schedule your first session with me at Therapy For Adults today.

Ready to Begin Therapy For Highly Sensitive People in Los Angeles, CA?

If the whirlwind of this city leaves you overwhelmed and anxious, it's time for a sanctuary and a game plan. As a seasoned therapist specializing in Therapy for Highly Sensitive People, I offer tailored strategies to regain your peace amidst the chaos. Join me to discover your haven, master mindfulness set vital boundaries, and thrive in LA’s vibrant yet challenging landscape. Take charge of your sensitivity and stride confidently through LA’s streets - schedule your first session at Therapy For Adults by following these three simple steps:

  1. Contact me today for a free consultation to see if Therapy for Highly Sensitive People is right for you

  2. Begin meeting with me, Steven Reigns, a skilled highly sensitive person therapist 

  3. Start finding peace in your own way!

Other Counseling Services I Offer in Los Angeles

At Therapy for Adults, I offer various counseling services besides highly sensitive person treatment through online therapy. In addition to HSP therapy, I offer couples therapy, therapy for dating and relationship issues, and dating coaching to support you and your relationships. Additionally, I provide therapy as a form of anxiety treatment. Reach out to see how I can support you.


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