4 Tips From a Relationship Therapist in Los Angeles, CA To Keep Your Relationship Sizzling

I’m a relationship therapist and coach in West Los Angeles, I’ve had countless couples come to me convinced that their romantic relationship is finished, unsalvageable. Have you or are you feeling this way?

Photo of a couple holding hands and looking at each other during sunset. Are you and your partner looking for ways to improve your relationship issues? Learn how therapy for relationship issues in Los Angeles, CA can help you.

As a licensed therapist specializing in therapy for relationship issues, and working with couples and individuals, I’m happy to say that the initial spark that brings two people together can absolutely sizzle for a lifetime. I’ve seen this happen many times in my practice - Therapy For Adults - as couples enjoy a safe space where they can be honest and feel heard, as well as find personalized tools and strategies to help them inject the spice back into their relationship.

With consistent effort and educated intentionality, you absolutely can keep the spark alive in your relationship!

Below are five strategies I’ve consistently seen help couples reconnect. You’ll probably notice pretty quickly that they’re all focused on things for YOU to do. This might irritate you, perhaps feeling like your partner is the one who really needs to make the changes. And maybe that’s true!

But the reality is that we can’t change a single other human being - only they can choose to make changes. What you do have control over are your own choices and actions. When you take the initiative to do good for your partner, it makes it easier for them to do the same for you.

Strategies For Reconnecting With Your Partner From a Relationship Therapist

Tip #1 - Make Time For Your Partner

One of the most important ways to keep the spark alive in your relationship is to make time for your partner. If you’re exhausted by work or life and are just not ‘feeling it’, this can be hard, but the rewards you’ll see back from this make all the effort worthwhile! 

Photo of a couple holding hands and walking down a sidewalk. Do you and your partner struggle with issues in your relationship? Discover tips on how therapy for relationship issues in Los Angeles, CA can help you and your partner work through issues.

When you and your mate both feel that you’re important to each other, that can quickly soothe tensions and reestablish feelings of safety and security. Spending quality time with your partner may not feel like a priority to you at the moment. However, spending time together is crucial for keeping or regaining a strong connection. The positive reinforcement you’re likely to see from this will quickly stoke your desire to keep going!

Some suggestions of things you could do together might include making dinner together, going for a walk, going on dates, or watching a movie. Be intentional and consistent about setting aside time for your partner and prioritizing your relationship.

Tip #2 - Communicate Openly and Honestly

I’m sure it won’t come as a shock to you to hear that honest and open communication is the lifeblood of any healthy relationship. 

Being honest, however, doesn’t mean being blunt; be honest about how something makes you feel, but try not to use harsh words or a cutting tone of voice. If you need to take a minute to cool down before you respond, take that minute! You’ll feel better about yourself later and you’ll be more likely to achieve the good outcome you’re hoping for.

Healthy communication means also being willing to listen to your partner's perspective. Practice active listening, giving your partner your full attention and trying to understand their point of view. Avoid being critical or defensive; try to approach your communication and listening with curiosity and openness.

Tip #3 - Be Spontaneous

While we all need some degree of routine and structure in our lives, too much predictability can quickly make life boring (think Groundhog Day!). 

Look for ways to add surprise and spontaneity to your relationship. Surprise your partner with a little love note, or a thoughtful gift, or plan an unexpected date night. Do something out of the ordinary, like taking a dance class or going on a weekend getaway. Anything you wouldn’t normally do!

Thoughtful little surprises can go a long way to reigniting the passion and fun in your relationship. Just thinking about how to surprise and delight your partner can help you feel more connected and excited!

Tip #4 - Get Support From A Skilled & Impartial Guide

Photo of a couple smiling and sitting on a couch speaking with a therapist. Learn tips from a relationship therapist on keeping your relationship sizzling. Discover how therapy for relationship issues in Los Angeles, CA can help you solve them.

Having the support of an experienced relationship therapist who specializes in relationships and working with couples can help you move things in a positive direction much faster. 

Here is just one comment I received from an individual I worked with:
“For anyone suffering from the difficulties, stress & anxiety of …relationships, Steven is the perfect clinician for you. He has a high degree of skill working with couples & adults, and always has a warm & accepting presence.” - M.R.

I’ve worked with countless couples who have been able to improve their relationships and bring back love and fun. I’d love to help you achieve the same goal!

Schedule your first session with me at Therapy for Adults in West Los Angeles today.

Interested in Working With a Relationship Therapist in Therapy for Relationship Issues in Los Angeles, CA?

If you're struggling with issues in your relationship, seeking therapy for relationship issues at Therapy for Adults can provide a safe and supportive space to explore your emotions, improve communication skills, and build stronger connections with your partner. As a trained relationship therapist, I can help you identify underlying issues, and guide you towards a more positive and productive way of managing your relationship. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier relationship by following these three steps:

  1. Reach out for a free consultation or schedule it online.

  2. Schedule your appointment at Therapy for Adults and meet with me, Steven Reigns.

  3. Learn to solve your relationship issues in healthy and positive ways!

Other Therapy Services I Offer in Los Angeles, CA

In addition to therapy for relationship issues, I specialize in working with couples in couples counseling, dating coaching, and marriage counseling At Therapy For Adults, I also provide services for highly sensitive people and for those struggling with anxiety. While I provide counseling services virtually throughout California, my coaching services are available to anyone in the United States. Be sure to check out my Blog to learn more!


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